
Alleged budget padding: Jibrin releases cocaine test results

Following allegations that he has been acting under the influence of hard drugs, sacked Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, Abdulmumin Jibrin, took series of test for cocaine, alcohol, cigarette and others to prove he is acting in his right mind. He shared photos of his test results sheet alongside a statement. Read the statement and see the test results below
"As far as I know, this is the first time a public officer in Nigeria will subject himself to an open drug and alcohol tests and that person is me! I am not under the influence of any kind of drugs. I don't drink alcohol nor do i smoke weed or cigarettes.
I am a teetotal gentleman, a sweet tooth who loves juice and have bad addiction for chocolates. I have always been a courageous, extroverted, hyperactive and outspoken person with a fair sense of humour all my life" Hon Abdulmumin Jibrin.

Today is a work free day since I have shun the Ethics Committee hearing on the grounds of sufficient doubt over the ability of the Committee to be impartial but most importantly the issue of my suspension which the Ethics Committee is to be used to forcefully and illegally enforce is subjudice and my lawyer, Femi Falana had written Speaker Dogara and cautioned him and the House against contempt of court.
I have made it a duty to respond to allegations against me but equally ignore many as I clearly know all the allegations leveled against me are false. That is why sometimes I respond to some of the allegations against me in a sarcastic way. I learnt something very important from Kayode Ogundamisi-you must respond promptly and firmly to allegations of corruption no matter how much of a joke it looks or sounds.
I have stated repeatedly that in the 5 years that I have been in the House, I have never abused my office nor corruptly enriched myself. It is note worthy to mention that all these allegations are made using faceless groups or discredited organisations and individuals. No member of the House has signed any allegation against me the way I have personally signed allegations against the Speaker and few others. Note worthy is the fact that the allegations has nothing to do with my 5 years in the House.
There has been a well-orchestrated and paid campaign of calumny against me by Speaker Yakubu Dogara. The objective is to divert attention from the allegations I raised against him and focus on damaging my reputation with all sorts of blackmail so that whatever I have said or will continue to say will suffer credibility problem. They have accused me of standing trial in a 17billion naira money laundering case, I am not standing trial in any case whatsoever before the EFCC. They accused me of being involved in what they termed 481million naira contract splitting at the refugee commission, it has again turned out a huge lie and the same discredited organisation that they used to write the petition went on to tender apology to the contractor. I have sued them in court.
Recently, they accused me of ownership of an account with ING Bank UK with balance of £1.5 million and ownership of property at 453 Crankbrook Road, IIford Essex IG2 6EW. This was carefully concocted with a fake statement of account that was well publicized in the media. Trust Nigerian journalists, they went down to work and the deeds were released, showing I am not the owner and the bank also confirmed that it is fake (see attached for deed and email from the bank). I have reported the matter to the Inspector General of Police and once again I have taken the necessary legal steps to seek redress in court.
Finally, they moved on to what is probably their last resort since they could not find anything against me within or outside the House. They circulated in the media that I am under the influence of drugs, specifically cocaine. As politicians, we throw such mud at ourselves but since I will continue to expose issues of corruption that will continue to shock Nigerians, it became important for the public to know that I am not under the influence of any kind of drugs. I don't drink alcohol nor do I even smoke cigarettes. I am a teetotal gentleman, a sweet tooth who loves juice and have bad addiction for chocolates.
I have submitted myself to two separate drug and alcohol tests including one with the credible path care laboratories, who took my samples and the results for all the various kinds of hard drugs including cocaine came out negative (see attached for results)
I have also written the Chief Medical Director of the National Hospital to give me a date and time in view of my position as a senior public officer and the national importance of the matter, to take my samples at the national hospital, conduct another round of tests and make the result public ( see attached for copy of the letter). As far as I know, this is the first time a public officer in Nigeria will subject himself to an open drug tests. I have always been a courageous, extroverted, hyperactive and outspoken person with a fair sense of humour all my life. I hate lies and injustice.
For those who want to continue to attack the messenger and imprisoned themselves with the question of why i did not open up earlier should have a rethink. They should for once concentrate on the grievous allegations I have raised against the number 4 citizen of our country and some principal officers. This is a rare opportunity for our country to deal decisively with corruption in high places. We have a sitting member who has raised allegations, cooperating with the security and anti corruption agencies and willing to stand as witness throughout the process of investigation and prosecution. We must not let this opportunity slip away.

On a final note, let me confess something that may surprise you-one of the biggest fear of a politician is social media! It simply throws you up for fair and unfair attacks and public scrutiny. The social media has its down side and you may have many bad days ( I was chased out of Twitter twice and have had many bad days-it's a recent history). Iam convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the advantages of social media out weighs the disadvantages by billions of miles. As a country, we have under utilized the potentials of social media towards our political, economic and social advancement.
I commend all those Nigerians, the super over loads, over lords, lords and we the commoners that helped the development and growth of the Nigerian social media community. May thunder strike anybody who wants the down fall of the social media community, join me to say amen!!!-until our voices reaches the Federal House of Yakubu Dogara.
Thank you
God Bless
Yours in service to the nation
Hon Abdulmumin Jibrin PhD MBA
Kiru-Bebeji Federal constituency

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