
'I have no issues with T.B Joshua; he rejected a man that loves him'- Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin speaks out

Following a disclaimer on the facebook page of Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua against the person and ministry of Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Funfeyin last week, Funfeyin who is the General Overseer, Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, Warri, Delta State has reacted to the statement.

Here is the disclaimer from Synagogue Church of All Nations: “Our attention has been drawn to several articles circulating online in which an individual named Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin is referred to as the “first son” of Prophet T.B. Joshua.  We wish to inform the general public that The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), Emmanuel TV and Prophet T.B. Joshua are not affiliated with this individual or his ministry.

Fondly called Prophet Jeremiah, the cleric who just returned from a trip from Europe speaks extensively about his relationship with T.B Joshua, among other issues.

We have been hearing that you have issues with T.B Joshua but first, what is your relationship with T.B Joshua?

First and foremost, my name is Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin. T.B Joshua is a person called by God and he has been a servant of God for a long time which I and everyone know. When I came up as a prophet, I just love the pattern that he is carrying out with the children of God. I just love him as a person and God is using him as a prophet.

Have you met T.B Joshua one on one?

Yes, the time I went to see him was when his buildings collapsed. When something happens to your colleagues one has to show concern and I went to him. We had been communicating on phone before I went to see him. What people should know is that I just love the man from time.

There is this rumour flying about that you call yourself T.B Joshua Junior, have you heard about it?

Yes, I was at a programme in Italy, Europe when I heard it. I went round three countries-Italy, Austria and Germany. When I heard it, I became weak in the spirit because I noticed that anytime I travel out of the country, issues like this emanate. There was a time I went to South Africa for a programme. The second day, this kind of situation happened. What happened was that there was a woman called Ufuoma who stood on the altar of T.B Joshua to say despicable things of which I know nothing about. But God was so kind that through Apostle Johnson Suleiman, the truth was revealed. She said many unprintable words against men of God and again, those things weakened my spirit. She said I charged her money and when she got to then mountain, they emptied her financially. She even displayed pictures of the white garment that is usually worn whenever one goes to the mountain. She said so many other things against our mountain. I was distracted in South Africa when I heard all this. When I watched it, I wasn’t pleased. I was asking, why synagogue? I came back and Apostle Suleiman said that the woman is a liar that he even gave her money to bury her father who had died long time ago. She criticized all of them. Apostle Suleman, Adeboye, Moshiri, Ayo Oritshejafor. I have clips of her testimony praising Oritshejafor saying there is no man of God like him. She said the man has healed her not knowing that what the woman was doing is what I call 419 in churches. She was just broadcasting these things in different places. She came to our place and was trying to condemn Johnson Suleiman and I said no, any person who insults or criticizes a man or woman of God, I don’t want to set my eyes on that person. She now asked me to help her with money, about N1.2m to start business; that she has lost everything, so on and so forth. The same thing she said on that altar was what she said but I drove her. That is what happened.

This one again, I was in the second day in Italy when the same story came again. It is not really the same but it is like it. They said I am calling myself the first son of T.B Joshua. When you read my interviews, I have never called myself first son of T.B Joshua. I am the general overseer of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, and T. B Joshua is general overseer of Synagogue Church of all Nations, how then can I call myself first son of somebody? That means I am demoting myself. It means I don’t know what I am doing. First sons are people who are first sons to people who submit their tithes, and other things to their fathers. But I have never submitted anything to T.B Joshua. I never pay my tithe to synagogue. I have sons even grand children. I saw this thing in the media. They are the ones that called me first son. When I was coming up in the ministry, they called me Niger Delta T.B Joshua, Ijaw T.B Joshua, Warri T.B Joshua, T.B Joshua Junior. I told them categorically that  I am not all those names they are calling me. I am prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin. I just love the man and I love other men of God. But to my surprise, when I was in a crusade again, this thing came up from T.B joshua’s facebook wall that I am calling myself first son of T.B Joshua. When I looked at it, I reckoned that it is not T.B Joshua that wrote it. I think the media is responsible for that write-up to capture peoples’ attention because why is it that whenever I travel abroad such stories will spring up? I respect and love T.B Joshua. Anytime he preaches he always make a statement: ‘let love leads.’ But what pains me most is the way it was written that T.B Joshua has drawn the attention of the whole world and said one individual called Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin… Who is an individual? I don’t still believe that that write –up is from T.B Joshua. People should please read my biography. Honestly it was painful when I heard it. I am now telling everyone that I am not the first son of T.B Joshua.

How do you identify someone who is called by God?

God shows himself to prophets. Prophets are people who God can talk to anytime, anyhow. They can see the past, present and future. When God called me as a prophet, I didn’t know I was a prophet. I just love this man and why I love him is this; when I was in my 21days dry fasting, because I show love to all the great men of God, they appeared to me and they taught me things in the realm of the spirit. Some appeared two times, some three, four but T.B Joshua appeared to me 10 times and he taught me so many spiritual things after which I fell in love with the man.

In Christiandom today, there is so much bad blood. You find out that pastors don’t like themselves, why is it so?

Pastors don’t love each other; prophets don’t love each other in our time. It is a weapon of Satan. But no man of God can discover that secret. Some men of God can discover it but they cannot carry everybody along. It is a weapon that Satan uses against men of God in Nigeria, in the world. Satan knew that if he uses this weapon he is going to scatter the body of Christ. It is one of the highest weapons Satan uses against the body of Christ. We are supposed to love ourselves. Jesus said we should love one another. But today it is not so. Look at Nigerians prophets and pastors. Nigeria has the highest number of anointed men of God in the world, when they speak a word, God answers them by a second but these men has never come together even for a day. Look at the Boko haram making noise, just one minute, let us gather together anywhere and speak to God collectively concerning Boko haram, I bet you, one second that thing will stop. But Satan uses that weapon to make them suspect themselves. This one is like this, that one is like that.

Who is your spiritual father?

My spiritual father is almighty God, Jesus Christ. There are some people that are called by God directly. Some people are called through somebody. The bible says a man called Moses was going to feed his flock. He was in a bush and the bush was burning but the leaves were not consumed. Suddenly a voice came, said Moses! Moses! Then, Moses did not know who God is. God told him to tell Pharaoh, ‘let my people go.’ From there Moses started. That was how God called Moses. Who called Moses? God!

A man called Samuel was working under Eli who God called. Samuel was sleeping when a voice called him, he went to Eli to ask whether he called him. It happened three times and Eli who was called by God told him to tell the voice to speak for ‘thy servant is listening.’ That was how God started talking to him. Now who called Samuel? God! God spoke to Samuel now as a prophet to go to Jesse’s house and anoint a son and this man is called David. He is the youngest son. He anointed David. Who called David? Samuel. You can see the difference now. We have some people who are spiritual fathers to some people. I have a direct call from God. I was working as an intercessor in Mountain of Fire and Miracles in Warri, Enere Junction. Because of the miracle that takes place whenever I pray where the blind see, cripple rise up and walk, etc, they said this man is using other power. That was how they drove me away. I was with them for about eight months. When they drove me, the Lord said; ‘I will be with you’ that was how I started. No man of God has laid hands on me to say go and start. And the Lord directed me to go for a 21 days fasting and then 10 days into four different times, seven, days uncountable, three days, uncountable. In Mountain of Fire and Miracles, they believe in fasting to do their deliverance. That was how I was brought up.

You said you were not sure it was T,B Joshua that wrote that disclaimer on you but between then and now, he has not refuted it, Are you sure he did not approve of it?

It has taken a long time now. It ought to have been reflected if he approves of it or not. If he is aware, what are we going to tell the unbelievers? Remember, he said, ‘let love lead.’ It is from his mouth first that I heard that statement. I never heard it anywhere. If he is aware, what about that statement that he made? It is like the body of Christ is divided. If he is not aware I don’t know but if he is aware, where does the love leads come from? And what is love?

In your previous interview, you said one can chose his spiritual father, does that assertion still hold for you given the present situation?

You can chose your spiritual father; the person that you love. It can be more than one. I still love these people. I show love to Olukoya, T.B Joshua et al.

You made mention of T.B Joshua and Olukoya, who are the other great men of God that you have relationship with?

Why I mentioned two of them is because I was brought up at Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. Two, I love the way T.B Joshua is operating in the body of Christ as well as the way that he taught me in the realm of the spirit when I was in my 21 days fasting. I also love other men of God like Prophet Buchriri from South Africa, Apostle Johnson Suleiman, Iginla, among others. I love everybody.

As at last month, one of the most topical issues was the assistance you gave to Nollywwod actor, Ernest Asuzu, why did you develop interest in him?

Like T.B Joshua said, ‘let love lead.’ That is the love I have. I don’t know God before and I practiced from this people. Love is about sharing. We have open and secret giving. The bible says when we give, we should not allow our right hand to know, the same bible now says Jesus Christ was doing good and healing people. That means people witnessed it. You can give both secretly and openly. It is not only Ernest I have helped. I have helped a lot. If I don’t help a person in a day, I will fall sick. Any woman who gives birth in my church will get N50,000 with a bible and baby things. If it is twins, they get N100,000,  and so on. There is a king from Kogi State  who became a taxi driver. When I saw the case, I bought  jeep of N4m for him. The jeep I bought for Ernest cost N4m too aside cash gift of N1.5 m. These gestures have been on for a long time. It didn’t start today.

What do you like most about being a prophet of God?

I love singing, dancing for God then helping people.

What don’t you like about being a prophet?

What I don’t enjoy is only one thing- my workers. They need training. My workers are a problem to me. Money is not my problem, when I pray for poor people, they become millionaires, the only problem I have is to manage my workers.

If you read the dailies today, some pastors are into ritual, armed robbery among other vices in the name of God, they also carry the bible, is that right for Christianity?

It is by calling. Because of joblessness, people do all sorts of things. It is not only in Nigeria but all over the world.  Many people fall victim in the hand of prophets. Our prophets demand money. Some people even give their cars, houses, lands in the name of prophet. Any man or woman who calls him or her a man or woman of God, when you go to them and the person said drop money, run away. That person is not called by God. Jesus Christ was doing good everywhere when he was on earth. A genuine man of God does not ask money before he prays for you. When they pray for you and you succeed, they now come back share your testimony and you can now pay tithe, seed, whatever thing that you have but any man who is not called will ask you to bring money first. Today, many people fall victim because they cannot differentiate original from fake. The bible says by their fruits we shall know them.

How was the experience like in Europe?

The journey was great and wonderful. People calling me first son of T.B Joshua, are making a mistake. You will be surprised how these people welcomed me.

In Nigeria they call me ‘General’ but in Europe they called me ‘Field Marshall.’ I don’t call myself anything. In the beginning, my brothers who are lawyers were calling me prophet, pastor.  I remember in the bible when Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is and the Holy Spirit touched Apostle Peter who said, ‘you are the Holy Spirit and at the same time the son of God, you are Jesus Christ!’ I have never a day called myself name. It is people out there that call me names. I really enjoyed in Europe. The crowd was really great and one of the ambassadors from south Sudan came to Italy. The white people were surprised that eight white and black people in wheel chair walked. There is something that surprised them. A baby who feeds through a tube like pipe got healed. She has been on that condition for a period of one year, eight months. The baby did not use her mouth to feed. I told them that I have an interest in that case. The white people were all looking. Immediately I pumped in the pool of Bethsaida water and I touched the baby, and asked them to remove the tube, they did. When they came back, the baby fed through her mouth. They even didn’t want me to come back to Nigeria.

Has there been anything as a prophet of God that you asked God to do that he didn’t do?

No. All the things I have begged God to do are done many times over. God always surprises me. If I beg two things, he will do a hundred.

Usually we get to read about you and the miracle that happens in Mercyland, which would you describe as the greatest miracle you have witnessed?

They are many; uncountable. A man called Osagie, a lecturer in the university of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Rivers State last year December was waiting for death because every part of his body was rotten and smelling. They just covered him with clothes. Doctors say they cannot do anything about his situation. That was how they brought this man to me. If you see this man then, you will not eat. I used the pool of Bethsaida water on him. Within one month, this man recovered. He came back with his wife and child to testify.  This happened on the cross over night of 2015.

A man called Friday white who is currently working at the pool of Bethsaida was working in a river in Angola when an insect like a spider bit him. Doctors in Angola could not heal him. They sent him to Nigeria. He began to die gradually.  His condition got worse that he could no longer walk and rashes covered his body. His family people abandoned him. He heard I was coming to a particular place in the bush, he waited for me. They carried him to pool of Bethsaida where he drank the water and became healed instantly. What God has done through the pool of Bethsaida are uncommon uncountable miracles. They are rare. The pool of Bethsaida is a pool that I saw when I traveled to Israel. It is the same pool in the bible. God instructed me to build one in Mercyland and that He will put His power in it. And He did.

That man now is the head of the pool. His video is on the internet. Babies have died and came back to life. What God has been using me to do are practical things. They are things you will see and believe. Once again, I am Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, I am not a son to anybody. I am a general, a prophet on my own. They call me field marshall, I accepted all of them. I am not son to anybody but I love all of them and pray for them.

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